
(05.05) Nethan made 8 rose bouquets and 6 daffodil bouquets. Nethan only has enough flowers to make at most 20 rose or daffodil bouquets total. Let x represent the number of more rose bouquets and y represent the number of more daffodil bouquets that Nethan can make. Which of the following graphs best represents the relationship between x and y? (4 points) line joining ordered pair 0, 20 and 10, 10 and the region below this line which lies in the first quadrant is shaded. line joining ordered pair negative 2, 6 and 4, negative 2 and the region below this line which lies in the first quadrant is shaded. line joining ordered pair negative 4, 10 and 6, 0 and the region below this line which lies in the first quadrant is shaded. line joining ordered pair negative 6, 8 and 8, negative 10 and the region below this line which lies in the first quadrant is shaded.

Accepted Solution

The answer for this question is C